Alejandro Rosario - Live Age & Birthday

Alejandro Rosario is a famous TikTok Star who was born in 14 January 2003. How old is Alejandro Rosario? Alejandro Rosario is 21 Years, 11 Months, 0 Days old from today date. Please check Alejandro Rosario live detailed age and intresting facts, result below in Years, Months, Weeks, Days, etc

Alejandro Rosario Live Age ❤️
21 Years, 11 Months, 0 Days , 0h : 0m : s
🎂 Next B'Day CountDown -
2025-01-14 : 3s
TikTok Star Alejandro Rosario birthday information
Alejandro Rosario
Date of Birth [DOB] 14, January 2003 - Tue
Age 21 Years, 11 Months, 0 Days
Profession [Occupation] TikTok Star
Birth Day: Tuesday
Birth Place New Jersey |
Next Birth Day After 0 Month, 30 days
Age in months 263 Months
Age in weeks 1,143 Weeks 4 Day
Age in days 8,005 Days
Age in hours 192,120 Hours
Age in minutes 11,527,200 Minutes
Age in seconds 691,632,000 Seconds
Zodiac Sign Capricorn

About - Alejandro Rosario

Social star who became most popular on TikTok where he has earned more than 5 million fans. His alejandrozario account includes comedy skits, vlogs, transition videos and more. He is also active on YouTube as he regularly posts YouTube Shorts clips recapping various events from his day.